Motorcycle Repair: Cant open trunk, needle nose pliers, fire axe

Hi Mark and thanks for your reply,
I sent you a question a couple days ago and I don't think I was specific enough. I've included the message below. I mentioned the locking mechanism when I should have said the lever latching system as it is not the lock which is not working. It is the lever to unlatch the trunk lid.

Can't open goldwing trunk
Question  Hi and thanks for your help.
I have a 1989 goldwing with something broken or misaligned in the trunk locking assembly and I can't open it. I've tried fishing around from the
bottom with a wire with no luck. I hate the thought of using a fire axe to open the thing! The shop manual doesn't mention how to deal with this problem. Have you ran into this before and if so what was the solution?
     John Hall
     [email protected]

     Answer  Hi John,

     Sorry, but I have no experience with this problem. I would have to try various things, including lock pick rakes, in attemt to disassemble the lock/latch assy.

     I have had cable and lever problems that were easily fixed, but not a lock assy. problem.  


I suspect the lock linkage has come unattached.

Use a pair of long tip needle nose pliers or suitable tool. Reach tips up and behind middle truck lock latch and get hold of metal lock linkage. Push linkage upwards to release lock.

Once trunk lid is opened, remove trunk parts necessary for inspection and investigate cause.

Before breaking lock assy. dril 1" dia. hole in truck floor as necessary if necessary to aid forced entry. Seal holes later with plugs.

Mark Shively.