Motorcycle Repair: shovel base gasket, yamabond, permatex
Questionihave 1972 shovel with 93 ss side wider kit 3 5/8 bore the front base gasket starts to leak after about 3500 miles not bad but just enough to bast my balls i have replaced it acouple times .i was thinkihg about putting some yamabond or somkind of gasket sealer on it.iused james gasket . are ss better .do you have any ideas how i can stop this enoying probem.
AnswerThe james gaskets should do the trick on stopping the leaking. You might try putting some permatex on the gasket.
One thing you need to do is after the installation of the gaskets and you start the bike. Let it warm up good and hot, shut it off and go back and tighten the nuts on the base gaskets. After the motor is warm you can tighten them more.
Good luck and Merry Christmas