Motorcycle Repair: 1999 kawasaki volcan 800vn, kawasaki dealer, shively
QuestionI have a 1999 Kawasaki Volcan 800VN. The only modifications was a new exhaust system two years ago (pipes) that was put on by a kawasaki dealer. The problem lays in that it will startup and idle, but when given gas it stalls and want re-start up and acts like it is not getting gas. I have installed new plugs and it has the same problem. Does it have a fuel filter problem fuel pump problems ? or want could be my problem(s)...
AnswerHi Rick,
Check for air intakle restricitions and check spark plugs for wet fouling. Remove plugs, inspect, and keep the clean and dry even if they are brand new. Starting may wet foul plugs at any age.
Was this MC stored for any period of time?
Describe the appearance of the spark plugs to me. Are they black and sooty, etc...
Mark Shively