Motorcycle Repair: Widening wheel base, polaris sportsman atv, 2005 polaris sportsman

I have a 2005 Polaris Sportsman ATV and would like to widen the wheel base.  How can this be accomplished?  I was told thetI can turn the stock wheels around and mount them with the outside of the wheel toward the brakes.  Is this practical or safe?

Thank you for you help...

M. Welch

Hi Mike,

You can reverse the wheels or fabricate wheel spacers with longer wheel studs.

visit "" and inquire with other Sportsman owners there. There's some good Polaris techs there. Just post the question and wait for replies.

I've done several weep hole and cooling system modifications to prevent or limit the overheating problem associated with Sportsmans. Courtesy of the above website.

Mark Shively