Motorcycle Repair: 95 evo motors, harley davidson service, torque wrenchs
QuestionBeing a basically good mechanic but have never taken my motor apart should I try this myself or should I have a profesonl do it. If so what tricks or tips could you give me. I only want to take my heads and jugs off to be worked. Obviously I have to put it back together. Any tips there would also be helpful. I already have the tank and pipes off. My friend was supposed to help with the motor, but we can't seem to find the time to get together. You now how that goes. If you think I should have a pro. do it could you give me some tips anyway. I might just end up doing it my self anyway. I have a 95' dyna wide glide. My heads are getting ported and polished, I might cut the decks to. I don't have to worry about taking the heads apart or putting them back together just taking them off and putting them back on the motor. The jugs are getting boared to .40 over. I have to put the new pistons in as well. If you have any tips about installing the pistons that would also be helpful. Thanks for your help.
AnswerYou can Only safely bore stock cylinders to .030" over size. To raise compression use higher compression pistons. DO NOT shave heads or cylinders!!!!!.. you will need lots of special tools and torque wrenchs to do this job with a factory Harley Davidson service manual. I would take it to a Pro to have the hole job done and get a warranty with the work.. Johnny