QuestionI need help with changing the timing belts on a 1998 GL1500. The Service Manual is on back order from Helms, Inc. for 2 months. I've got the covers off and before taking off the belts, I'd like some advice.
Do I need to line up any timing marks before removing the belts? If I mark the position of the timing pulleys relative to the case prior to removal of belts, and assure they are in same position after new belts are on is that good enough? Second Question: What is the proper procedure for tensioning the belts once new ones are on? Do I loosen the spring-loaded idler, let the spring tension set the load and then retighten the idler? Any help is greatly appreciated.
Greg H. from Burnsville, MN
AnswerHi Greg,
With other GL's, we just indexed the timing pulleys with a mark and replaced the belts. Shouldn't have to remove center crankshaft pulley nut, either.
Loosen tensioner idlers as you suspected.
Hope my limited information helps you.
Mark Shively <---michrofiche parts on-line <--- good GL resource