Motorcycle Repair: 1998 triumph Trident 900, gasoline additives, triumph trident

Hi Mark,
The bike ran great, Filled up w/fuel and it instantly  fell on its face leaving the pump. Thinking I had a bad tank, i drained the fuel but for a gallon or 2, the bike ran great to the next station, filled up, fell on its face again.Thinking there was a vent problem, i removed the cap, blew the vent tube  which was clean to begin with. then checked the vaccume pet cock, that works with very little suck, and i still have this under 3k barely runs problem. Checking on line i  see they have coil problems, ohmed the primary and get 0 ohms cold, the problem happens immediately so figured 0 ohms at cold means there ok. any ideas?
Rick Austin

Hi Rick,

The description tells alot about what happened. I need to know what the engine is doing. You can help me by describing what throttle opening positions the problem occurs. Describe the appearance of the spark plugs. Were there any recent repairs or modifications? Was the MC stored awhile? Any gasoline additives used? Any history is helpful.

Measuring primary windings resistance: What ohm scale setting is being used? What's secondary windings resistance and scale setting?

We'll go from there... Use my email: [email protected]

Mark Shively