Motorcycle Repair: electrical, poor conductivity, sears hardware

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Question -
" hi, i have a 1976 honda cb750f. the problem i have is the fuse blew for good.
1. i ride only with the main fuse, if i put the headlight fuse in the main gets super hot. so when the fuse blows i put in a new one.
2. the major problem of why this email is being sent. the fuse blew again but this time not even a new fuse dead
so where do i start.
i'm pretty decent with mechanical but when it comes to electrical not so good.

Answer -
Hi Tony,

I recommend the purchase of the Repair Manual for your CB750. You can buy them on-line for about $20. The manual gives all necessary information for testing and diagnosing problems as described.

You'll need to perform several simple electrical tests to determine which part is not working properly.

It's important that the battery be fully charged and in good condition before testing. Also, all wiring and electrical connectors must be clean, tight, and in good condition. Wiring splices or other modifications to wiring or electrical parts must have been done properly (professionally).

You'll need a multi-meter (volt-ohm meter) to perform electrical tests. You can buy very good quality Craftsman brand VOM's at Sears Hardware for under $25.

Again, get the service manual and follow the electrical troubleshooting charts. You'll find the defective part.

I suspect the regulator is not working well and there is poor conductivity (poor chasis grounds). All I have to go on is the description given. I would need to be present and investigate to give more accurate diagnosis in this case.

Let me know what you find.

Mark Shively

hi mark,

somebody told me to connect the post on the solenoid. the bike cranked right up. i thought maybe that might help you out a bit.

I would like to help you, but cannot make sense with the descriptions given.

You wrote: "somebody told me to connect the post on the solenoid. the bike cranked right up."

Only you know what you are working with. I cannot see what wires you're working with. Why diagnosing some problems without being present is difficult.

When asking about electrical related problems, please describe wire colors, size, condition, and where they connect to at both ends if possible. We both need the wiring diagram for the MC to communicate about the problem.

Use my email address: [email protected]

I think I have the wiring diagrma for your MC. I'll send it to you and then we can reference the same wires, etc...

We'll work it out eventually. : )
