QuestionBill, on page 51 of your engine repair guide, you mention using Y brand 750-850 valve springs.
you have a part number or even a real specific model number for trying those?
from what i can tell, Megacycle doesn't go back that far anymore and i don't think i can get them dealer anymore.
My reference to the Yamaha springs were those used in 250-850 Triples, from the report I received. I don't have any part numbers, but they are probably the same for both versions.
14751(61)-268-810 is the number for Honda's YB accessory inner and outer valve spring set. These are great for performance applications, but can wear the cams a bit on stock spec machines. Probably any stock springs in Honda warehouses are made from later materials that will be more than sufficient for regular use. Try ordering either version from Honda. Check with
Megacycle used to grind cams and supply valve springs, so I am surprised at that. Perhaps, the demand for the vintage stuff is just not there anymore. Did you call them or were you just looking in the catalogs or their website?
Bill Silver