Motorcycle Repair: 82 cb900f stator, volt ohm meter, stator windings
Questionis there a easy way to test the stator, bike will not charge? thankz arnold
AnswerHi Arnold, testing the stator is fairly straight forward. You need a DVOM (Digital Volt Ohm Meter) and the Resistance specs for the stator windings..typicaly resistance should be less than 1.0 Ohms. Locate the three wires comming from the engine cover left side and follow it to the connector at the rectifier. Unplug it and test the two outside wires for continuity(Ohms). If you have more than an ohm than one more test is in order. change your meter to AC Voltage 10A scale if your meter is so equipped. Start engine and Test the Ac Amperage. Should read very little Amperage until the Rpms are raised up around 3000rpms then you should see some amps( BE CAREFULL NOT TO BLOW YOUR METER FUSE, YOU ONLY HAVE 10 AMPS PROTECTION).If you have an AC Voltmeter you could test AV Voltage out of the stator as well. If you are seeing 5 to 9 amps as you raise the rpms up a little thats good. If the stator reads no amperage or very little and you have more than Ohm resistance than suspect the stator windings are shorted and you need a new one. I'll let you in on a little secret though...All Cb900Fs Have Stator failures frequently. It is a common problem on this bike. I hope this helps a little