Motorcycle Repair: Cleaning carbs, metric allen wrenches, ninja zx

I have a 01 ninja zx-11 that sits a lot because i also have a 02 fatboy i ride alot. the ninja consistently has problems with the carbs because of lack of riding. I have toe bike tore down to replace some fairing parts. How hard is it to clean the jets of the carbs myself?



Hi Mike, it isnt hard if you have done it several hundred times like I have. If you have never done it? Frustrating and tedious are the words that come to mind. Get a shop manusl and maybe someone who has done it to assist you. Only clean one carb at a time. Be very gentle with the jets they are brass. You will need compressed air and some
Long metric allen wrenches. If the bike sits alot try some fuel stabilizer. The problem with the bike sitting is the fuel gels in the bowls and plugs the idle jets and air mixture ports. Good luck with the Ninja