Motorcycle Repair: Front Fork Oil Capacity 82 Yamaha Seca Turbo, routine maintainence, greg hagen
Can you help me with this classic? I love my 1982 Yamaha Seca Turbo XJ650LJ but it was in need of a front fork rebuild.
Thus far it has not been easy. The oil seals listed by Yamaha were way too small O.D. (maybe 1 or 2 mm.). I have located what I believe will work which is a 49mm x 36mm.
My question is how to find out the correct amount of fork oil to use short of ordering the repair manual?
Thank you in advance for your assistance,
Greg Hagen
Mound, Minnesota
AnswerHi Greg.
You'll need the repair manual anyway. It has your torqueing specs for reattatchment of the forks as well as routine maintainence specs and schedules.
I don't have the exact quantity for the fork oil, but it should be approximately 0.14 oz.
Good luck.