Motorcycle Repair: 1982 Yamaha Maxim 750 trans problem, worn clutch, yamaha dealership

My 1982 Yamaha Maxim jumps out of first gear and into neutral almost every time I shift into first.  It began as a very occasional problem, but quickly got worse.  Thrid gear also seems a little harder to get into.  Replaced the worn clutch, but it didn't help. Bike has 32,000 mi. but is otherwise in excellent mechanical shape.  If this is a big fix (split the case, replace shifter plat or gears, etc.) where can I get parts?  Is the bike worth saving?  I've owneed it for 22 years and hate to pitch it, but it's hardly worth spending a lot on...  Any help is appreciated.  

Hi Bob.
 If the problem is not related to clutch adjustment, then most likely, this job will require the removal of the engine and splitting of the case.  Make sure that you have the repair manual before you start this project.

 The likely problem is either the shifter forks are bent or the gears that are giving you trouble are worn and need to be replaced.

 Your best supplier for replacement parts is going to be a decent parts and accessories shop or a Yamaha dealership.

Good luck.