Motorcycle Repair: Honda vfr 800fi rear brake, honda vfr, rubber mallet
QuestionI am trying to replace my rear brake disc. I have removed the 4 bolts holding the brake disc on and the large nut that appears to hold the 'shaft', (I presume splined, ) from the other side of the swinging arm. Everything still seems stuck. Do I just need a bigger hammer or is there something substantial holding it in?
AnswerHi Andrew.
From your description, it almost sounds like you are trying to do this with the wheel still on the bike. DON'T. It's impossible to do that way. Are you using the repair manual as a reference? You should be, to be able to avoid any details that are not obvious. I know that it should be a simple proceedure, but that doesn't mean that it will be.
As long as the wheel is off the bike and any and all mounting bolts and such are removed, then there shouldn't be anything else that should be a problem. A bigger hammer is not the answer; use a rubber mallet or you will bend and dent the parts. It is possible that there is epoxy holding it in place as well. Get a heavy screwdriver in between the disc and the wheel and pry it off that way. If there is anything else holding the disc on, then it will become obvious then.
Let me know what happens.
Good luck.