Motorcycle Repair: carb settings, mixture settings, carb settings
Question1982 yamaha xs400rj street
[email protected]
will not start without the aid of carb cleaner. would like to know idle speed and mixture settings. also, engine knocks at higher rpms from 2nd gear up. Too lean? also, where exactly is the idle mixture screw? thanks.
AnswerHi Eric,
The carburetors will likely need a thorough cleaning to restore proper operation. I suspect varnishing is present and is obstructing jets and passageways.
You'll have to refer to a Service Manual for the carb specs. I personally don't own a manual for your MC. AllExperts does not provide anything to us volunteers. Try looking for website dedicated to the XS400.
Knocking could be detonation. I would need to hear the sound to give diagnosis.
I sent a reply and image to your email. I think the email is a typo? I typed what I thought the true email address to be and sent to:
[email protected]
If you don't receive the remply, visit the following link and see the images. The guy's finger is touching the air-fuel screw tower. Tamper caps are covering the screws (note the pin hole on the caps).
Mark Shively