Motorcycle Repair: Kawasaki Sport Bike 1990 ZX10, kawasaki zx10, zx 10

Mr. Shively,

      I have a 1990 Kawasaki ZX10 Ninja!
Can I use a zx9 engine on my zx10 chassis. My EX-Wife came to my house a kill my baby( ZX10)
my friend told me that it look like the zx10 has a double Ig/coil. Can you please help me with your Experte on sportbikes.  Thank you for your time Mr. Shively.  My email is [email protected]
  She Got the Car and the Truck. I have my BaBy;
 Ps. Do you Know were I can buy a new or rebuilt motor for my ZX10.

Hi Dexter,

Sounds as if you kept the ZX10 above water, so to speak.

Unfortuantely, I have little experience swapping enmgines. You may find someone who knows on message boards such as: "" or other such sites. Perform an internet search on combinations of the keyword "ZX10 websites" "ZX10 forums" etc..

The ZX-10 has two ignition coils; one for cylinders 1 & 4 and the other for cylinders 2 & 3.

Mark Shively