Motorcycle Repair: Vulcan with alot of unknowns!, kawasaki vulcan 500, float bowls

You seem like the guy that I need to talk to. 2 days ago I bought a 1995 Kawasaki Vulcan 500 from a pawn shop.  I test rode it and it seemed to be fine.  I was only able to run in a long parking lot though as Dallas traffic was a nightmare that day.  I got it home and yesterday, I got as far as the end of my neighborhood and it stalled.  After repeated attempts to crank it, the battery died.  I got it home and got a new battery in it.  It started right up.  I took it out and all seemed good except that it sputtered at the top of each gear and topped out at 55MPH.  Today, it cranked, but now it won't idle, I have to keep the throttle pinned or it dies.  When it's pinned, it just glugs, it doesn't rev up.  Your help would be GREATLY appreciated!  Thanks in advance, Matt

Hi Matt,

I've experienced Dallas interstate travel. Took the left when I should have went right. Do you know the Dallas junction I described? We have the same here in Dayton, Ohio. Affectionately called Malfunction Junction. : )

Remove the spark plugs and describe their appearance. You want very light shades of brown.

Check the airbox and air intake ductwork for obstructions such as bird, bee, and rat nests. Inspect the air filter. Clean or replace as necessary.

The carburetors may need adjusted or cleaned. If the MC was parked or stored awhile, the gasoline in the float bowls may have varnished and is obstructing the jets and passageways.

If the MC was in another area of our great country it may be jetted for another altitude.

Can you perform a cylinder compression check? If compression is out of specs, perform a leak-down test to determine worn or defective parts.

This is enough for you to start with. Keep me advised of your findings and progress. Reply to my email: [email protected]

Mark Shively