Motorcycle Repair: Honda running rough..., honda shadow vt1100, spark plugs

Christopher, I have a 1998 Honda Shadow VT1100 C Aero with 8400 miles.  Recently, the engine has been cutting out after the engine warms up.  It runs great for the first 20 or 30 minutes...then when I am openning it up at about 60 mph the engine will start cutting out.  I notice it most when going up hill.  At slower speeds, it doesn't seem to happen.  Any ideas?


Hi Dan.
 When was the last tune-up?  Is it due or overdue?  Is the air filter clean or dirty?  Is the bike running lean, rich, or normal?  Check the spark plugs and see.  Is the oil due for changing?

 What you describe is symptomatic of any number of problems, but the things I am asking about are the easiest and cheapest things to check that would cause the bike to funcion in this manner.

Let me know what you find.
Good luck.