Motorcycle Repair: 84 FXST pipes, bub pipes, dyno tuner

I have an 1984 FXST (EVO)and would like to install new pipes.  I have Bubbs right now, but I don't like them.  My problem is I have the stock kick start still installed which interferes with the pipes.  Do you have any suggestions?  I don't know if this matters, but I had a new mikuni carb installed and I feel like I lost some power since then.  Should I have the bike dynoed with the installation of new pipes?  Thanks for your time.

The bub pipes do not work very well. Stay away from long shots or short shots or any drag style exhaust system. The white brothers e-series 2 into 1 work the best and sound great and make more horse power and torque accross the entire power band. You need a dyno tuner who knows how to tune a Mikuni and you will be happy you bought it. But first install the exhaust. With a bad exhaust system your tuner will never get your bike to run correcty. Help him out by buying a great exhaust system and easy for him to tune your motor to its full potenual.  Johnny