Motorcycle Repair: Buell S3 Problem, buell s3, s3 thunderbolt

I have to beleieve this is something simple.

Within the last week my Buell 1997 S3 Thunderbolt has developed some weirdness which goes like this.

When cold, the bike starts and idles fine.  However, when I engage the clutch it immediately bogs down, dies, and backfires.  It doesn't bog down normally or consistent with the load or how much clutch I've let is almost like it loses spark and just dies.  After warming up for a minute or so, it seems to run fine.
Now I know I can just let it warm up, which is probably a good idea anyway, but the fact that this just started bothers me.  Any ideas?

Bike is completely stock, 11k miles, and was gone over completely this spring, and has been running like a champ.

Check your intake manifold where it attaches to the heads and see if there is a leak. Start the bike and using some carb cleaner spray a little at the manifold. If the motor revs up then you have a leak. By the way, it is a very good idea to let the bike warm up. By not letting it warm up the cylinders get expand alot faster than the cases which in time will cause the cylinder base gaskets to fail.
Let me know what you find
Good luck and happy riding