Motorcycle Repair: turns over wont start, 1983 honda nighthawk, ok move

I tried to send this once and got no reply.
I have a 1983 Honda Nighthawk CB650SC that I started up after sitting a couple weeks.  It started fine with a little choke and then died.  It now turns over but won't start.  Seems to be getting gas and checked a plug and had good spark (although I'm no expert).  Replaced the plugs but still won't fire.  I tried moving the run/off switch while turning over and it seems there is a spot as I move the switch it fires a bit (seems curious).  I have had no trouble with it prior to this.  I was wondering if you could give me some direction.  E-mail is [email protected].  I'm sorry if you already replied to this.  Thought my work e-mail might block your reply.

Hi Pat,

I replied to your original question. Maybe AllExperts' server had a problem with our correspondence. Happens on occasion.

I'll try sending a couple of files to your email address. Do you have another email that I can return information file to? Hotmail's server will not accept these large files.

My email addy is: [email protected]
I'll return detailed troubleshooting info files.

It's hard to tell what's going on. Should be minor. I'm thinking fuel in carburetors may have varnished a bit and causing the problems. Could be other problem such as ignition (CDI) on/off switch, or more.

Try disassembling control with on/off switch. Inspect sw contacts for corrosion. I've found crushed insects and spider webs to prevent sw contacts from working properly. If all appears ok, move on. Follow info files and see what you find.

Mark Shively