Motorcycle Repair: 82 goldwing front end shake, local bike shop, wheel balance
QuestionChris, I have a '82 gl 1100 it has been turned into a trike(pro job)and was told by the owner that I should'nt take my hands off the bars while going slow or the front end would shake, well I bought this trike because I'm now in a wheelchair, and don't want to give up ridin, so I take it out and at 20mph the front end starts whipping back and forth so hard I can't even catch it, next week I take the wife for a ride and at 35mph it does the same thing, the wife has to hold my arms because we are heading for oncomming traffic, I call the local bike shop and the guy say's it's an inherint problem on the '82 and he don't know what to do about it, do you know anything about this problem and what can I do to fix it? thanks Jeff
AnswerHi Jeff.
You may want to think about a set of steering dampeners. Many of the race-style bikes have a nasty wobble at high speed, so they add them on to stabilise the steering. A heavy duty, adjustable set may be what you need for the trike.
Also you may want to check the torque on everything in the forks and steering head as well as the wheel balance needs to be spot-on perfect.
That's about all that I can think of for your particular problem.
Sorry that I can't help more.
Good luck.