Motorcycle Repair: Honda gas problem, honda magna 750, christian motorcyclist

I'm the second owner of a 1994 Honda Magna 750. It ran great for over a year after I bought it then it quit running.  
I changed the plugs and it started right up and ran fine until I got it up to highway speed (70mph). After going at high RPM for about 10 minutes it started to choke down and finally quit running and would not restart. I've looked into the carbs and haven't seen anything obvious that would cause a problem...except for a "gate" (for lack of a better word) that is above the butterfly valve. They (all 4 of them, one per carb) are about 80% closed and I can push them open very easily but they close right back up. Is this the way they are supposed to be?
When I move the manual choke in and out I can see all the choke linkage moving outside of the carburetors but I can't see anything moving inside the the carbs. Is this correct?
I am member of the Christian Motorcyclist Assn. and have a very busy next couple of months...any help you can provide will be greatly appreciated.
Thanks, Jay Sanguinetti, [email protected]

Hi Jay,

The symptoms described can be either carburetor or electrical related. I suspect the carbs may have a bit of varnishing and/or are out of synchronization. Every pinhole inside the carbs have an important role and if obstructed, will casue like symptoms. The electrical system can cause similar symptoms, too. You'll have to perform several tests to diagnose the problem. I'll send test info files to your email.

Mark Shively