Motorcycle Repair: kawasaki misfire, kawasaki zx600, semi conductor
I own a 1992 kawasaki zx600-c4 and I have an intermittent misfire. I haven't narrowed it to a specific cylinder but because it is intermittent, I suspect ignition. I have gone through the clymers manual and checked all of the resistances of the components and they are all ok. Is there a common problem with these bikes or something I can go off of? Because I don't want to start throwing parts at it. Any input would be appreciated. thanks
Ben Melcher
AnswerHi Ben,
There are many possibilities for causing such symptoms. Gasoline contamination, carbs varnishing, faulty or work spark plugs, defective ignition components, wiring problems, water shorting, and more.
You'll have to try and diagnose the symptoms by process of elimination. It is especially hard to diagnose the symptom if a semi-conductor or other electronic component is intermittently faulty.
I don't know of any specific mapping or recall problems with your model MC.
Please let me know what you find.
Mark Shively