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Question -
I was riding my bike and entering the freeway and was on the throttle pretty good when I heard a pop and the bike's characteristic sound went from import to domestic so to speak. It had taken on a Harleyish/chopper sound. Upon stoping and following to its source, I founnd a small 1/2 inch metal pipe that is mounted at the front of the cylinder head that immediately curves up 90 degrees. The pipe was blowing exhaust directly out of the head through about 4 inches of the remaining, mounted pipe. 3-4 inches of capped pipe had blown/broken off and luckily remained due to the radiators presence in front of it. I found the same thing on the rear cylinder head located on the backside curving up and back over the head about halfway where it ended capped off as well and was still intact. Finally my question... Is this normal or has someone modified or removed something I need to know about. I took the piece that remained bolted to the head off and have capped it again with a washer, and a bolt using JB Weld. I can't figure out how or even if I can attach pics to this but I took some of the area in question with the broken piece off and with it recapped and back on cylinder head where it came from. If you want to see them you may e-mail me and I will send them asap. My only guess is this is somehow related to an emission control. It doesn't seem to have affected the performance of the bike as I've gotten to know it in the past 6 weeks since buying it, but I fear the chance that it could be affecting or harming the bike in ways not yet obvious. Once again, your expertise is greatly appreciated. Thank you for your time and efforts regarding this problem and those of others like me.
Mike Ainsworth
[email protected]
Answer -
You are seeing parts of the pulse air system (enission control) that apparently was disconnected. At this point you want to ensure that there are no more exhaust gas leaks at that area, so make some block off plates and seal it up with asbestos gasket material or something similar.
Go to
register/sign-in and search the microfiche for illustrations of the parts for that model.
I attempted to answer this question yesterday, but apparently the server didn't take it for some reason.
Bill Silver
Thanks very much Bill. I had found someone who had an 86 VT700 like mine in the area and he called me and we figured about the samething when we determined I didn't have the emissions box on the right side opposite the air cleaner area. Since it was exhaust coming from the broken pipe...It all makes perfect sense. I don't know what block off plates are so may I use the existing part mounted to the head after I cut off excess pipe and seal it off since it's already made to be n there anyway? Let me know if you think that will work. Thanks again.
AnswerThat should work fine, but eventually the exhaust gas may burn through the pipe end piece. If you can braze the tip up, then fold it over, perhaps it will last longer. Someday, you may have to just have a welder grind off the tube and weld up the hole.
Bill Silver