Motorcycle Repair: Kawasaki Camshaft, camshaft lobes, sharpie permanent marker
QuestionI have a 1987 Kawasaki ZX-750F Ninja. The intake camshaft has a lobe with some pitting on it. I want to repair it and have looked at a few different avenues. A new one is very expensive especially considering buying new rockers as well. Is it a rule that with new cam you have to install new rockers? I know with a car you are supposed to install new lifters. I have also found a used cam and rockers. Would I have to make sure that the cam lobes and rockers are matched just like where they came from? The last thing is repairing the original. I have heard of it before but is it something that is feasible? Something that will last? I thank you for your time.
AnswerHi Tim,
Q: Is it a rule that with new cam you have to install new rockers?
A: Rocker pads ride upon camshaft lobes. Pads wear with the cam lobes. Lash is measured between pad and lobe. It's best to use new parts. I've been told people have used old rocker arms with new cams with normal results. I would install new on new. Whichever you do, keep valve clearances checked and adjusted.
Q: I have also found a used cam and rockers. Would I have to make sure that the cam lobes and rockers are matched just like where they came from?
A: They wear together. So do the cams and journals. Plasti-gauge cam to journal clearances. Mark rockers with respect to their camshaft locations. Clean parts with brake cleaner and then mark them with a Sharpie permanent marker pen.
Q: The last thing is repairing the original. I have heard of it before but is it something that is feasible? Something that will last?
A: I have never repaired cams. Liablility of failures and customer come-backs cause most shops to order new.
Mark Shively