Motorcycle Repair: Fuel/Oil?, suzuki vx800, overflow tube

Hi Chris..I have a 1994 Suzuki vx800.problem is some times not always.I drive, all is well then suddenly it sputters and fuel or oil runs out i guess the overflow tube(runs to the rear air filter box it seems) under my bike to the ground..One time it almost drained my gas tank.I let the bike sit for an hour .Restart and its fine.And one time my rear air intake was wet with gas.How did the fuel get past the air filter to the rubber cowl before the carb?And why is my bike pumping liquid to the hose bellow my seat to the ground..please help..Thank you

Hey Zghost.
 Start in the carbs.  Chances are there is some contaminant in there jamming up the floats allowing fuel to overflow through the outlet of the float bowls.  This will also cause the engine to stop running.

 There is also the posibility that your air filter may need to be replaced.  That should be done every few months anyway.  If it's clogged, it will pull pressure from the engine vent hose into the filter box and case all sorts of related problems.

Start there and let me know what you find.

Good luck.