Motorcycle Repair: 2002 yamaha vstar classic 650, 2 different things, seasonal storage

Will not stay cranked. When you pull the choke out it will run but if you push the choke in or try to give it any gas it goes dead. If it runs long enough on full choke; when I shut it off it had white/blue smoke coming out both pipes.What is the problem

Hi Mark.
 That white/blue smoke is oil being burned off.  You may want to start by checking the following:

1)  Compression and valve gap/timing.  Are they all within specs as per the repair manual?

2)  Does the bike sit for seasonal storage?  The carbs may need a proper cleaning.

3)  Has anyone adjusted the mixture on the carbs?  Not the idle speed, the mixture (2 different things).

4)  Air filter.  Is that due or overdue for replacement as per the listed schedule in the repair manual?

Start with those and let me know what you find.
Good luck.