QuestionFalcon- that's cool.
My 1981 Honda XR500R was running well about 3 weeks ago in
Colorado. I brought it home to Indiana and now it won't start. I
did leave the fuel valve "on" during transit. Just changed the
plug and it was really oily and smelled of gas. New plug yielding
same result... kick like mad and no go. I recently spent $300
getting work done and new oil and plug were part of that. Really
ran great until now, when guys are wanting to buy it.
Whadya think, Falcon?
AnswerHi Eddie and Maggie.
The fact that the plug is wet and the engine isn't firing could indicate that you are getting no power thorough the ignition circuit.
Check the wiring and test the components for loose, bad, or dirty connections as well as shorts or places where arcing could occur as well as the fuse box for a loose or bad ignition fuse or bad fuse connection as well as checking the main fuse.
Let me know what you find.
Good luck.