Question1984 Honda vt700c
14k miles
I have a recurring problem on this machine. It would run a while until things warmed up, say 10 to 20 minutes. then would either flat out stop running, like i reached up and turned of the switch. Or started missing badly, could only obtain about 15 to 20 mph, like it was only running on one cylender. I checked the regulator and found the molded plug connecting to the stator had melted. the plastic around the 3 prong connector. three yellow wires run through this plug, luckily the electrical grease inside kept the connectors from touching and shorting out. The wiring to and from this point appears in good shape also. I have replaced the coil and spark plug wires. What might have caused this?
Also The bike boggs down while reving it up and sometimes wont idle without the choke on. I'm assuming a carborator cleaning would resolve that. What should i check or replace from this point.
ThankYou in advance,
Chad Crooks
AnswerHi Chad.
Connections don't just burn out. There is an electrical short somewhere in the ignition and/or main power system(s).
If you don't already have one, get the repair manual. You will need it for the test specs and wiring diagrams, among other important and useful things.
Since replacing the coil did not fix the problem, I feel that you wasted your money on a new coil unnecessarily.
Before replacing any expensive electrical component, always test it in accordance with the test proceedures and specs in the repair manual. It will save you a lot of money in the long run.
Check the ignition and main power systems from top to bottom and I'll bet you find either arcing, a short or a hot ground. This also could be part of your bogging down problem, but a carb cleaning won't hurt it any.
Start with those and let me know what you find.
Good luck.