Motorcycle Repair: No spark, screw driver, model yamaha

I was given a 1986 model Yamaha big wheel 200 that has set for several years in a garage not out in the weather it was lef in the house that a friend bought so I have no history on the bike.  It has no spark. I want to know how to trouble shoot the electronic ignition to find out which component is bad.  So far I pulled the plug with the coil wire attached and kicked it. no spark.  put the pluc back in and removed the plug wire place a screw driver in the wire and held it on the plug tip and kicked it no spark I then checked for contenuity throught the coil nothing no resistance open by my fluke meter.  How do you check the rest of the ignition to see if the spark is gitting to the coil or if one of the other components of the system is bad, like the black box or on of the components in the motor side cover. Any help would be greatly apreciated.  And I did check the on off switch it is good


Hi William,

Sorry for the delay in responding. Very busy lately.

Send me an email address and I'll return test files that may help you investigate the problem.

You won't be able to test the CDI (black box) with a VOM. I recommend the service manual for specific intel on testing and test values.

Mark Shively