Motorcycle Repair: ZZR1200 CAMS, warrenty, service history

I was due to go to france friday and decided to put my bike in early for a service 15200 next service due is 16000.
I am told that the cams are pitted bad and will need replacing at a cost of £1500 not including labour.
The bike is 02 and the warrenty was out in june would this type of ware and tear happen in two month or has this happend over a period of time.
The bike has full service history.

Hi Dave.
 Unless the bike has been ridden like you were on a racetrack the entire time or there is a more severe problem (which you would have noticed right away), then no, this would not happen over just a couple of months.

 It sounds to me that either the wear and tear has happened over the entire life of the bike, or you may be getting scammed by the shop (unless they have a reputation to the contrary).

 If you are not very familiar with the shop doing the work or suspect something is not right with what they are telling you, then you should make sure that you see the damaged part before they replace it to be certain.

Good luck and enjoy your trip.