Motorcycle Repair: 84 Honda Shadow VT500 Oil Problems, honda model, honda shadow

Hi Mark,
 I have an 84 Honda Shadow VT500. Underneath the bike near the center kick stand there is a white plastic reservoir with a breather tube that comes out from under the muffler on the back right hand side. I am getting a lot of oil and white smoke coming from the tube whenever I ride the bike and it leaks an excessive amount of oil from the tube (1 to 2 oz puddle) immediately after I turn it off.
   The bike hadn't been running for about a year and a half prior to this because of an electrical problem with my CFI boxes. I recently changed the carburetors and the CFI boxes and got it running. (although I am not 100% sure if I got the new CFI boxes in correctly).

It didn't have the oil leaking problem when it was running before. When I first start it up there is no oil coming from the tube but it seems like it is only running on one cyl. After it warms up it runs normally on both cyl, but this is when the oil starts coming from the tube and a lot of smoke from the mufflers.  Also the choke mechanism doesn't work as well now as it did with the other carburetors (it seems to stick). I have been using 10-40 weight oil. Feel free to telephone me collect at the number below if you have any questions.

Thank you,
Curt Ekberg

Hi Curt,

I called the phone number you provided with your question. I left voice mail.

Send me a reply email so I can return information. I have a coule of questions. My email address is:

[email protected]

Cut and paste the link below. View part #2 when the page opens. Is this the part that you are referring to?  (Note: microfiche from the VT700C.)

Mark Shively
Dayton, Ohio