Motorcycle Repair: mix of gas and air, honda shadow 600, gas consumption

thank you very much by your aid, but I carried the bike to a garage to
give the total maintenance, after do this, I
feel a excesive gas consumption, the seals are well, even the filter
is new.
I think if you can say me the correct quantity of air I need to do the mixture I fix the problem, a friend have an other bike the same model like mine, and her mixture are good, he consume the half quantity of gas that me during the week.
again thank you for your help

Followup To
Question -
I need  to do a rich mix of gas and air, because my motorcycle consume so much of gas can you say me how many turns i need  to do at the screw of gas and air
I'm owner of a Honda shadow 600 vlx 98.
thank you very much
Answer -
Hi Angel.
 Have you adjusted the mixture once already?  If not then don't.

Just because the bike is running rich, doesn't mean that the mixture is bad.  If the mixture has never been adjusted then the problem could be in the manifold or the seal of the manifold to the carb and/or head.  It could also be that you need a new air filter and or complete maintainence and tune up.

Start by checking those and let me know what you find.
Good luck.

Hi Angel.
 Obviously, then the mixture has been tampered with between when the bike was new and when you got it.

As far as the correct settings, those are set at the factory acourding to a specific formula calibrated by a specialized machine.  These are specs that I have never even seen in factory repar manuals.

Let the shop that you are taking the bike to reset the mixture as it is a rather precise adjustment and they will have the experience to do it right for you.

Good luck.