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Question -
Hi Mark, Hope everything is going well on your end. I have a question about valve adjustments on my 1997 gsxr 750. I have reciently noticed a light valve tap coming from my head. I am about to pull the valve cover off and adjust my valves. I understand this system is a whole diff animal from lets say a vett or import as far as adj's go, I have been reading on the procedures to perform this task and a few articles state you do not have to compleatly remove the cams but raise them and slide out the tappets is this true ? also I have read that the actual adjusment is removal and replacement of a bigger mm shim so i went to " RON AYERS" to get the part numbers to verify my local dealer has the shims and valve cover gasket in stock and found 21 diff part numbers (12892-05c00-120 to 12892-05C00-220 raising in icrements of 5 )now less im wrong there are 16 shims in the drive trane. Am I suppose to change only the ones that are over the wear limit ? Is there any links / website you would recommend on the procedure ? Thank you for your help.
[email protected]
Answer -
Hi Mike,
The 16 shims are "under the bucket" type which requires removing the camshafts to enable bucket removal.
Only valve clearances that are out of specification need shims changed. Excessive clearances cause ticking, zero or tight clearances casue engine damage.
Mark Shively
If im not mistaken when the bike leaves the factory it leaves with all the same size shims. For example all 8 intake shime are .007 ( just throwing numbers around) and all exhaust .009 assuming all buckets are unscuffed and in good condition would I be able to just order all 8 intake the same size (factory OE )and all exhaust the same size ? My local dealer does not stock these shims and I would hate to tear this bike apart 2 times, one just to get to the shims I need and then again to replace the part when they get in 2 to 4 days later the real problem is I need to do this job in one day this is my only means of transportation. Thanks for your time and input.
[email protected]
Valve wear varies from valve to valve. You must measure each valve's clearance.
Remove the valve cover, measure clearances and figure which shims are needed, order shims, disassemble and install shims upon arrival, recheck clearances, and be done providing all is within specs.