Motorcycle Repair: Clutch, clutch basket, torque wrench

Hello there FALCON...My ? 2 U is it hard to redo a clutch in a 95' zx-7 ninja...and is it unusual that i can only put my bike in PARK when the ENGINE is shut OFF otherwise I can only SHIFT down to 1ST gear when I'm ready to stop at a light or STOP SIGN...IS that normal or is there a problem?  IF there is...if i use my manual can i rebuild/replace my clutch myself or do i need to seek a mechanic...I am a little mechanically inclined...THANX FALCON...Go PISTONS!  

Hi LaDon.
 Actually, most bikes are set up that the only gears you can get into from neutral is either 1st or second.  That is even with the engine running.  There is, almost never, any way to get up to 3rd from first at all without using 2nd beforehand.  So the answer to what you are asking, if we are both on the same page here, is yes, it is normal.  Although, part of what you are describing does sound like a remotely possible shift mechanism problem, but without all of the info I couldn't say for sure.

As far as rebuilding the clutch, yes, that is easy with the manual.  It will have a list of any special tools that you will need (like the clutch basket tool) as well as torqueing specs (you will need a torque wrench as well) and special instructions as relates to whatever job you do on the bike.

Good luck.