Motorcycle Repair: 94 Honda Gold Wing-trunk wont open, honda gold wing, honda model

I attempted to remove lock cover inside trunk. One screw stubborn. Used impact driver to free up. Replaced cover and closed trunk lid. Trunk has refused to open ever since. 2 Honda shops and an independent have attempted to open and succeded pulling plastic parts out of lock mechanism, but not opening trunk. I've purchased a new lock mechanism, but still cannot figure out how to open trunk by fishing up thru latch release mechanism under trunk. Picture in manual doesn't provide enough information on what needs to be pushed or pulled to release trunk latch.
Any info would be greatly appreciated other than a stick of C4!

Hi Jim,

I'm laughing with you!

I'm soory, but I don't have any experience with that paticular problem. Try viewing this site to see microfiche exploded view of the trunk:

Also, try searching GL websites with message boards of tech forums.

Mark Shively