Motorcycle Repair: Newbie needs to advice, swift reply, biker world

Hi Chris

thanks for the swift reply ! can you give me an idea of how much a carb clean/replacment etc would cost so that i negotiate a reduction on the price. Also i went on a chat room and the people in there were saying;

1) i would need new tyres for deffinate as the tyres would be dry and cracked even if i couldt see any sign of this ?

2) air filter replaced

3) oil filter replaced

sorry to ask more questions ! im a complete bike newbie


Hi Dominic.
 I am always glad to help fledglings out into the biker world.

 Since most guys change the air and oil filters (along with the oil) when they sell a bike, I didn't think to mention that, but yes, you may need those replaced.

If I didn't mention it before, then I will now......Get the repair manual.  It will be the best investment into that bike that you can ever make.  Manuals can run anywhere from $30 - $50 online or through a shop.  Most shops that have manuals for your make will have the manual that you need in stock.

I have neve known a shop to negotiate a price for work.  99% of all the shops out there have a fixed price for certain repairs (X# of $'s for tire change, X3 of $'s for carb synchro, etc) and as far as replacement parts, some smaller shops can find you used parts at about half the cost of originals.

Replacement carbs normally run about $200 apiece ($400 for a twin - $800 for a 4cyl).  That's just an average.  You can find used parts at about half that.

Carb cleaning (proper and thorough), should run about $100, give or take a bit and that is normally in that fixed price for service that I mentioned.  You can do the work yourself as long as you have all of the tools, the repair manual (available directly through a local shop or online), can follow instructions and are at least a little bit mechanically inclined.

Good luck.