My husband needs instuctions on how to change a rear tire on his 1980 Yamaha 850 special shaft driven bike. Any advice would be appreciated.
AnswerHi Rhonda.
Changing a tire on a motorcycle is not too dissimilar from changing a bicycle tire, it's just on a slightly larger scale.
1) Remove the schreader valve from the valvestem. This will allow the tire to deflate quickly. You can normally get a schreader valve removal tool from any auto parts store, bike shop or bicycle shop.
2) Using a tire iron, seperate the tire from the rim and pry it out over the rim. You will want to press the tire rim down (toward the rim centerline) to give the tire more free play. Get a second tire iron in there and start slipping the rest of the tire off the rim. A 3rd tire iron comes in handy to help with this, sometimes.
3) Reverse the process to install.
4) Overinflate the tire until it seats properly on the rim. Then bring it down to correct inflation pressure.
5) Reinstall on the bike.
6) Ride away happy, but be careful for the first couple hundred miles as the tire is still a little slippery on the road.
Hope that was what you were looking for.
Good luck.