Motorcycle Repair: 1990 yamaha Radian(600cc), yamaha radian, yamaha dealership

-mark thank you so much i don't have a spare ignitor to swap out and i don't intend to buy one that's why i'm talking to you,, do you or don't you know how to diagnose this system? i can't justify buying parts i may not need.if you could take your time and get back to me when you've got the goods i'll send you hugs and kisses otherwise the whole world will see the raindrops melt back into good clean breathable air. thanks for the shot...------------------------
Followup To
Question -
the bike ran fine after sitting for several months and after a short ride i let it sit for a few hours while shopping and it wouldn't start after turning over fine for a while, i pulled off a plug wire to check for spark and there was none;then i checked the fuse box and all was ok there. where do i go next? i understand there is a trigger mechanism on the crank that send a signal to the brain under the seat which sends a current to the appropriate coil which sends a spark to the proper plug. i kinda suspect the brain cause the coils are two and i think it's highly unlikely they'd both decide to quit at the same time and the pickup seems less likely to go because it's a simple strong unit but how do you check it to make sure? the cumputer is no longer available new and a couple used parts dealers have it for $125.can it be checked and repaired? i don't have a multimeter or manual to know what to look for in voltage or resistance. also i'm wondering if there might be a generic brain for four cylinder motors available. thank you for all the piece of mind
Answer -
Hi Billy,

Some dealerships buy the special tools to test igniter units, if the manufacturer has them.

We test these parts with known good ones. Try flipping these two parts and see if the problem tranfres to the other sparkplugs.

I have no resources for aftermarket igniters.

Mark Shively


Call your local Yamaha dealership and inquire if they can test your black box (ignitor). If they can, have them do so. Otherwise, you cannot perform any diagnostic tests on this part. Replacing expensive parts is not the way to diagnose the problem. Deaalerships sometimes has the luxury to check with a known good part.

You can check other parts like ignition coils, HT leads, multi-connectors, grounds, pick-up coils, spark plug caps, and wiring. All tests require a VOM test meter. The service manual gives test how-to and specs.

I can send test files if you like. Need an email address as requested.
