Motorcycle Repair: honda 110 atc four stroke?, honda 110, fly wheel

But is there a certain placement of the piston or stoke that you know of to line it up with i tried TDC and it still will not start laped the valves and it has compression w/spark

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Question -
do you know how to set the time in a honda 110 four stroke I lined up the timeing marks but as the flywheel advances the mark is offset by one link after a comlete rotation is there a trick to it?

Answer -
Clinton, If you we're to turn it a few more revolutions,The marks would come back up in order,That's how it works. Good luck. Glen

Clinton, Bring the piston T.D.C Take Chain off Cam Sprocket,Line up the Cam so it is on the rock,Back and forth the exhaust starting to open the intake just starting to close.Then check the timing marks on the fly wheel if they are off get a new chain . Good luck. Try me again. Glen