Motorcycle Repair: suzuki a100 running problems, reed valves, cause havoc
Questionhi michael,the problem is,i purchased an old a100 as non runner(it hasnt been run for 15 years)as a project.i put a new set of points on,cleaned tank,carb,air filter ect..she now runs but is very difficut to start,you have to really jump on kick start 15 times or so.when it starts it runs for 1 or 2 minuites then cuts out.while it actually runs there is no misfire and seems to run ok...would apreciet any help many thanks darren
This could be many things. First check that you are getting sufficient compression, at least 50-60 psi. If your compression is ok you may need to go back and check the settings on your carburator. Here are some basics guidlines on setting up and cleaning them:
Make sure air/fuel adjustments are not the culpret, you'll need to experiment with these, trial and error, usually 1 and 1/2 turns out from seated. Be absoulutly sure all orrifaces and jets are clean and not damaged. If someone used anything but compressed air and solvents to clean these they could have damaged the precise venturi action that takes place. Carburators can get pretty complex and require tuning from time to time. In addition there are different systems and effects that come into play at different throttle positions. Performance can be fine at one throttle position and terrible at another. All you can do is look closely for damage and carefully adjust all tolorances according to a good service manual. Do not overlook the float level and condition of the needle valve, be very sure you are not starving for fuel. In relation make sure fuel flow is unobstructed and use a good in-line fuel filter from the tank to the carb. Even tiny particles in the fuel can get logged in critical areas and cause havoc. Also be sure your reed valves are plyable and not suck shut.
As far as ignition goes, be sure your points are set exactly correct. You may want to consult a manual on this one, it would take a bit too long to fully explain the process. It is very crucial the point gap is correct and opens at exactly the right time. Always replace points along w/ a new condensor. Make sure your plug is gapped correctly and be sure your exhaust is unubstructed.
Hope this helps,