Motorcycle Repair: 82 rm 250, gearbox oil, clutch cable
QuestionI have a 1982 rm 250 that is now restored it runs great but now i can't get it to go in first gear.the gear box works fine in all gears when the bike is not running but when i crank it i have to start off in second gear and all upward gears work fine.just as soon as the bike cuts off it will be locked in first gear but when i pull in the clutch to crank it and let it out the bike will not be in gear.can i get some help please.thanks,brian
Just in case you are not aware, the gear selection from bottom to top goes like so; 1st, neutral, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and fifth. Be sure you are not in neutral. If you know this, you may have an internal selector problem. Make sure the gearbox oil is in good shape and full. Also make sure your clutch cable is adjusted properly. If not and there is not a little bit of free play at you clutch lever before it pulls the clutch open you will be dragging the gears and not totally separating the engine from the gearbox making it difficult to select gears.