Motorcycle Repair: High Rev Cut Out, yamaha fz1, exup valve
I have a 100% stock 2002 Yamaha FZ1 that has acquired a bad habit. At high revs, starting around 8K but varies, the engine sputters/stutters. It kind of feels like a rev limiter kicking in pre-maturely. I had read that the EXUP valve gets sticky and needs maintenance so I adjusted the cables by tightening them up a bit. After tightening the cables the tachometer started a strange sequence:
Step 1: Reflect the actual engine RPM
Step 2: Go to Zero
Step 3: Go to exactly 7K
This sequence will repeat for a bit and then stop until I turn off the engine and re-start. The exact sequence will repeat again.
Any ideas? Is it connected with the EXUP or am I way off base there? I originally thought it was the EXUP because this happened to me about 4 times one day last year (but not again for the balance of the year) and it occurred exactly at 7K which is where the FZ1 gets a step function power surge under hard acceleration.
Please advise.
AnswerHi Gary,
I don't have access to tach trouble codes. I think you're on the right path with diagnosis. Try the following links and post same question here. Someone should offer assistance.
Mark Shively