I have a 2004 Kawasaki KX 125
Once my bike is warmed up (fully) it dosent have a big problem with fouling but if i stop for just 5 mins or less (engine is still hot) it will start go about 4 FT and then "pop pop pop" it fouls when i pull the plug it is wet and dark, I can always clean it with carb cleaner.
Also, when the engine is cold it fouls (only used) plugs.
i am lucky if i can get a day on a plug and when is do the plug will foul and have a lot of carbon not wet gat/oil.
I mix at 45:1 (always w/ fully synthetic oil)
the jets in my bike are all stock
i have changed the needle clip to the 2nd position insted of the 3rd(stock) and the air screw is at 3 turns insted of the 2.5 stock.
I live in MI and now the temp avg is 40-60 degrees but the summer is when i would ride it the most that is usualy 70-90 degrees
another thing that i have to do to keep the bike from fouling is always keep the engine at high revs when i have to go slow i hold the cluch in and keep it reved up.
Also, What is the proper way to warm up a 2 stroke motorcycle?
Thank you very much
AnswerJosh, Your going to have to re-jet the carb?? Go to a smaller main jet and a smaller pilot jet? Then recheck the plug ? If it's black or sootie go to a smaller main jet. If it't grey or white go to a larger main jet. If it stumbles of idle go to a richer pilot jet,If t feels slow or rich off the idle go to a leaner pilot jet. But remember to always read the plug,It tells the story.Try setting air screw 1 1/2 to 2 turns out,Set clip in the middle position. Good luck. Glen