Motorcycle Repair: two cylinders out, honda cbr 900rr, 1993 honda cbr 900rr
QuestionI have a 1993 honda cbr 900rr and suddenly I lost number one and three cylinder. When I got home I sprayed some carb fluid on the pipes and thats how I know its one and three.By checking the coils I found that the one on the left is hooked up with two and three and the one on the right is hooked with one and four so my guess is thats its not one of the coils that is causing the problem. Please help
[email protected]
Check for spark with each plug, one by one. If you narrow it down to spark You'll need to question the plug and/or it's gap then the high tension/plug wire lead to make sure it's in good shape and making contact and then the coils, high and low tension resistance readings. Beyond that you may have a faulty ignition module. If your spark is good you may need to adjust, clean and balance your carbs.
2-strokes mainly my thing, check bio,