Motorcycle Repair: Two cylinders are out, honda cbr 900rr, 1993 honda cbr 900rr

I have a 1993 honda cbr 900rr and suddenly I lost number one and three cylinder.  When I got home I sprayed some carb fluid on the pipes and thats how I know its one and three.By checking the coils I found that the one on the left is hooked up with two and three and the one on the right is hooked with one and four so my guess is thats its not one of the coils that is causing the problem.  Please help    [email protected]

Hi Chris.
 you should start by checking carbs 1 and 3.  It is possible that something has come loose or is restricting fuel flow to those carbs.

 Spray some automotive start fluid into each of the faulty carbs while the bike is running.  If the revs jump up, then it is carb related.

In addition to that, check the intake manifolds to insure that they are both attatched nice and tight to both the engine and carbs.  If something loosened up, then that could cause your problem as well.  One last thing to check would be the exhaust manifolds on the failing cylinders.  Make sure that they are tight and haven't loosened up either.

Start with those and let me know what you find.
Good luck.