Motorcycle Repair: spark plugs for honda steed VLX 400, honda steed vlx 400, ngk spark plugs

just purchased a honda steed '94 model. need to know what best to use as spark plug for this model as I don't have a manual. I also need help in removing the plugs, cannot seem to get the right size for plug wrench.

Also, when I purchased this bike I noticed that it doesn't run well, if I rev it up the engine coughs up...noticed that the air filters are full of holes, proceeded to put a temporary cloth filter over the air cleaner element and this improved the running condition. purchased new air cleaner but when I installed it, the problem resurfaced again, so I installed the temporary cloth filter again over the element and again got it running good. Can you advise me why this is so? thank you very much.


Hi Ramon.
 NGK spark plugs are normally recommended for Japanese bikes.

As far as the problem with starting the bike up and getting it to run right.  This sounds like the bike has never been tuned up properly.  Put the proper air filter back on and check the valve and ignition timing.  Also do the carb synchronization as well.

Let me know how it goes.
Good luck.