Motorcycle Repair: Faulty turn signals, pappys, specialist html

I have a 1983 Goldwing Interstate.  In cold or cool weather the signal lights usually wont flash.  The flasher will click and the self cancel works.  The signal lights just won't flash.  In warm or hot weather they work great.  This is cold country and we do a lot of 45 plus degree riding.  So this is a very annoying situation.  I am not a mechanic.  I can do some minor work on bike.  Thanks a lot
Earl Holder...Cody, WY.  [email protected]

Hi Earl,

I'm working on a GL1100I right now with the same problems. (Also getting tune-up.)

The service manual says there is no known tests for the self cancelling unit, lean angle sensor, and speed sensor.

Here are some helpful GoldWing links: