Motorcycle Repair: 1984 honda goldwing, clutch slave cylinder, honda goldwing

Chris, Took the bike out of storage from the winter, did the regular maint. Went for a ride and noticed that shifting was stiff and sometimes difficult, especially trying to get into neutral while idling, when the rpms are higher shifting is easier. I did notice a little, fluid creeping from the clutch resevoir. I filled the resevoir last year before putting the bike away...and had difficulties reassembling. Is this where the problem could be? What would you suggest? is there something else i should be checking. Thks.  

Hi Lyle.
 Start by bleeding the clutch.  Honda's have one very small, but important peculiarity that no one ever mentions in regards to bleeding the clutch, in that the system is designed to create a reverse trap near the master cylinder.  This problem applies to the front brake line as well.

Here's the proceedure:

1) Bleed the clutch/brake line like normal.

2) Put a wrench on the banjo fitting and squeeze the lever.

3) (NOTE: Use a box end wrench for this) While holding the clutch/brake lever in, crack loose the fitting and reclose it quickly. Have a rag over the fitting connection that you are working on because it will spit at you as pressure expells the air and a little fluid.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Do not release pressure on the lever till the fitting is tightened back up or you will suck air back into the line.

4) Test the clutch/brake again.  If done correctly, you will have pressure near the beginning of the lever movement rather than at the end.

5) repeat as needed, but should not need more than 2-3 times.

Also, it sounds like you will need a clutch slave cylinder rebuild kit.  They are fairly easy to install and can be done in an hour or less.  Install the kit before you bleed the system or you will have to bleed the system twice.

Good luck.